Rajvaidya Chaturbhuja Raiguru
Much before this global informative world and internet; in the Year 1866, when Swami Vivekananda was just three years old and toddling around at his ancestral home at Kolkata, another little bundle of joy was born to a poor Brahmin family less than 500 miles away from Kolkata, in a small village called Telenda of Subarnapur district of Odisha. Parents (Kabiraj Shri Dayanidhi Raiguru and ShrimatiJamuna Devi) named him Chaturbhuja, referring to Lord Vishnu. Due to his willingness, sincerity, and iron determination to acquire knowledge in Ayurveda, he got tremendous fame in his city Sonepur of Odisha and many other parts of India. Even today, some people believe that just by seeing a person from far away, he could accurately calculate that individual future health and sometimes even his/her death. Unbelievably it had happened in many instances!
Rajvaidya Chaturbhua Raiguru was known as one of the best Nadi Vaidya at that time.With his impressive and gifted knowledge in Ayurveda, soon this little boy became the Raj Vaidya of Maharaja Biramitra Singh Deo of the ancient Sonepur state. He gains ground by nurturing his talent and with his magical Ayurvdedic treatment. For all his incomparable deeds, he was awarded the "Vaidyalankar" title by the King. It was one of the most prestigious award for any Vaidya at that time. Many eminent personalities admired him for saving their lives. Seeing his influence power and his treatment, he was once offered the post of Rajvaidya by even the King of Patna- that was phenomenal!
As stated in the Gazetteers Unit of General Administration Department, Government of Odisha - chapter XI (Health): "Subarnapur was a chronic victim of Cholera and Smallpox which used to claim the lives of hundreds of patients every year... Chaturbhuja Raiguru who .... was the Raja Baidya of Sonepur for a long period. He took the reputation of Ayurved to Sambalpur and Patna where he saved hundreds of lives from the deadly epidemic Cholera." Among many other success stories, one of his key achievements was when he saved many lives during this cholera epidemic.
Next Generation:
Rajvaidya Chaturbhuja Raiguru had two children Shri Kashinath Raiguru & Shri DurgaCharan Raiguru-both were famous and learned kabiraj. They took the tradition on and then forwarded the knowledge to their next-generation Shri Mathura Prasad Raiguru and Shri Nilambar Raiguru. Mathura Prasad Raiguru manages a clinic named "Mitrodaya Ayurveda Dharmatha Aushadalaya" funded by the King. He held with many prestigious posts in various organisations of Ayurveda in India. Shri Nilambar Raiguru was also practically involved in Ayurveda and was a very famous kabiraj. He became the MLA of Sonepur in the year 1967 & 1971. Shri PratapKeshari Raiguru, the next generation, learned the depth of Ayurveda the hard way and passed down the tradition to Doctor Rasmita Raiguru. She is the 5th generation Ayurvedacharya of this royal heritage of the Raiguru family as well as the owner of "The Raiguru Ayurveda".
Our founder Rajvaidya Chaturbhuja Raiguru has made his name in the golden letter in the heart of the people he had connected to through his generosity and compassion. Today, we are enriched with his honesty, dignity, and passion for Ayurveda.
Raiguru Ayurvedic Chikitsa Kendra is just an instrument to carry forward his vision.